
Crafting an itinerary planning experience with allocated costs between group members

This case study would lay the groundwork for a travel experience that would allow its users to view destinations, add activities and allocate the costs to their party with minimal interference.

UX/UI Designer
4 Weeks
Paul Batin
Tom Santos


Individuals often find traveling in large groups to be overwhelming and disorganized. There lacks an efficient method of cohesively planning and allocating...


How can we present a collaborative experience that raises travel planning efficiency?
There are several platforms today that allow itinerary planning or splitting payments. Our method focuses on consolidating the process into one app to curate a more streamlined experience.


Three paths of discovery leading research

Our research plan was based off discovering what tools groups use when it comes to making activity decisions and allocating the costs. From here we established three research questions:

Why are groups choosing specific apps about splitting costs during travel? What can we offer that is different?
What difficulties do groups currently face when it comes to allocating costs?
Social Impact
How are decisions impacted by the relationships between group members regarding activities?

Insightful information

With the insight gained from interviews, we developed an affinity diagram and determined categories of focus for our users. Below demonstrates the key insights from our data:

Easier management
Interviewees suggest they desire an efficient, beginner-friendly way to manage travel and book experiences.
More travel
People want to travel, it's just most lack the experience to start or abundance of time and money.
Split payments
Data suggests people need a third-party to request money from friends, however it can be frustrating figuring out correct amounts.
Frequent travelers often face challenges managing all their costs, affecting their ability to participate in desired activities.

Who we are designing for

Carevan User Persona

Definition & Ideation

Features for the avid adventurer

The ideation process started with an "What I like, I wish, what if" brainstorm that was divided into idea clusters. These clusters we're reorganized by importance in a feature prioritization matrix that was then developed into several ideations:


Activity descriptions before booking
Build an itinerary by purchasing an experience, read what it has to offer and what you would be paying.


Viewing previous and current trip information
Like collecting stamps on your passport, view all tickets of trips you have attended.


Discover new destinations by viewing popular locations
By including trending locations, you could encourage inexperienced travelers to plan more efficiently.

User Flow

Critical in the development of the wire-framing process, we needed to decide how we wanted the user to navigate through the app effectively, mitigating any room for errors. We prioritized creating a familiar experience to support an inviting interface.

Carevan user flow


Developing the interface

Building the experience

Translating an idea into a tangible design can often stray from an initial idea. By having the user flow completed I stitched together a bland palette. The pieces were then refined visually to my art direction.

Digital wireframing
Carevan lofi login screenCarevan lofi dashboardCarevan lofi reservation screen

Testing for usability

By creating tasks we could determine any means of improvement to further improve user experience on our app.

Task 1
Discover a location and add it to favorites, learn more and then add it to your cart.
Task 2
Search for a destination, complete the booking process by adding location and then splitting the payment.

Opportunity for improvements

Through testing we discovered the interface had some serious work to be done. There was a low success rate and we used this opportunity to iterate a reimagined prototype.

Booking and viewing locations were efficient
2/3 of users found it difficult in the first iteration to navigate the dashboard
Users had issues utilizing the explore feature (we revamped the idea)
Some design choices were harming usability

Iterating changes based off testing

Below is a graphic of all the changes and reasoning behind the major developments of the dashboard, which went through trials of testing.

Carevan iteration
Overcoming setbacks in the process

The biggest obstacle I faced was the creation of the of the user dashboard. I had to consider what was relevant enough to the user and what needed to be reached as easily as possible. Through guerilla-testing there were several iterations made. The most important change was merging the dashboard with the search screen. For the other iterations we created a 2x2 prioritization matrix with the key changes being a bottom navigation for quick to reach items, giving trips a centralized button, uniformity in size and font and the rename of sections such as 'explore' to 'search' and 'payments' to 'cart'.

High-Fidelity Prototype

Carevan user flow


Final thoughts and future iterations

After all the rounds of user testing, the design resulted in a perfect completion rate of our designated tasks. I was proud of leading the direction of the design as the app has a personal, distinguished aesthetic. Given more time I would iterate on a social aspect that would follow the profile creation and friend feature. Also the options for different hotels wasn't included but is a crucial element in the entire booking process. As my first project in interface design there are some inconsistencies that need to be addressed in the physical design but overall, I am excited with the outcome.

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